Scientific Advisory Committee Member

A/Prof Tina Carter

MBBS FRACP (Paediatrics) Ph D (UWA) and FRCPA

Tina Carter is the head of the Paediatric haematology service at Perth Children’s Hospital in WA.  She is a clinical and laboratory haematologist and has been involved in clinical trials and translational research for over 25 years. Her clinical work in haematology includes the diagnosis of inherited bone marrow failure syndromes in children and their treatment.

She has been a full member of the Children’s Oncology Group and Paediatric Bone Marrow Consortium since 2000.

She is a FRACP and FRCPA supervisor and regularly contributes education sessions for medical students, registrars, nursing staff and  haematology and oncology trainees in the QE2 laboratory and at PCH.

She was also an executive member of the Australian Clinical Haemophilia Director’s organisation (6-year term finished last year).

Dr Carter has been the Standard 7 lead at PCH since 2017. She has been an editor for the Australian Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health since 2016. She regularly contributes and reviews articles in paediatric haematology.

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