Ariel Simpson (PhD candidate, University of Tasmania)
Dr Lorna McLeman (St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research)
Dr Astrid Glaser (St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research)
Associate Professor Adam Nelson (Sydney Children’s Hospital)
Professor Graham Lieschke – (Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute)
Dr Katharine Goodall (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute)
Dr Kirsten Fairfax (University of Tasmania)
Dr Vashe Chandrakanthan (The University of Adelaide)
Ryan Collinson (PhD candidate, University of Western Australia)
Dr Lucy Fox (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre)
Dr Diva Baggio (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre)
Dr Eliska Furlong (Peter Children’s Hospital)
Dr Michelle Tan (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre)
Rachel Edwards (PhD candidate, Queensland Children’s Hospital)
Alice Maier (Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne)
Dr Ashleigh Scott (Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital)
Professor Erica Wood and Professor Melissa Southey (Monash University)
Associate Professor Stephen Ting (Monash University)
Professor Tracy Bryan (Children’s Medical Research Institute, Westmead)
Dr John Mackintosh (The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane)
Dr Ashley Yang (Children’s Medical Research Institute, Westmead)
Associate Professor Rachel Koldej (Royal Melbourne Hospital)
Dr Ashvind Prabahran (Royal Melbourne Hospital)
Associate Professor Amee George (Australian National University, ACT)
Dr Stephen Ma (Austin Health)